Not a traditional pesto.  Pesto is usually made with basil and parsely pecan pesto - ingredientspine nuts.  This pesto is more budget friendly and tastes great.


  • 1 bunch parsley
  • 2 cups pecans
  • 2 c parmesan cheeseparsely pecan pesto - food processor
  • 1 c olive oil
  • 1 lemon – zest and juice
  • 3 cloves of garlic


Place all ingredients into a food processor.  Pulse to chop finely but not puree.  parsely pecan pesto - finished

Serve on pasta or add an additional cup of oil to make a salad dressing.  See below for two options.

Refrigerate up to one week.

parsely pecan pesto - in container


Option: Serve with chicken  and Spinach & Cheese Ravioli.

Follow the directions on the package to cook the ravioli.

chicken with parsely pecan pesto - ravioli

chicken with parsely pecan pesto - ravioli cooking







While the ravioli is cooking, prepare chicken.  Cube chicken into bite-sized pieces.  Cover and boil chicken in 1/4 c water until chicken is cooked through (about 20 minutes).   Add 3 Tablespoons of Pecan Parsley Pesto per serving (or more if desired).  20151214_173423
chicken with parsely pecan pesto - chicken and pesto





Add cooked ravioli to the chicken pesto.  Stir to coat, and enjoy.chicken with parsely pecan pesto - finished



Option: Serve with chicken ravioli.

Follow the directions on the package to cook the ravioli.



chicken ravioli with parsely pecan pesto - raviolichicken ravioli with parsely pecan pesto - cookingchicken ravioli with parsely pecan pesto - ravioli cooked







Heat pesto in a sauce pan while the ravioli is cooking.  Add 3 Tablespoons of Pecan Parsley Pesto per serving (or more if desired).  Once ravioli is cooked, drain and add to the pesto.  Stir to coat, and enjoy.

chicken ravioli with parsely pecan pesto - heating pesto

chicken ravioli with parsely pecan pesto - mixed




chicken ravioli with parsely pecan pesto - finished